From Classics to Contemporary: Essentials Books for College Students

The books you read shape your perception of yourself and the world around you. Even though the digital era we live in now has a major impact on our attention spans and our ability to memorize important information, books still remain one of the key sources of valuable knowledge. Therefore, choosing exciting books to read while you are a student is crucial. You are still in the process of shaping your views and moral principles. Great authors from the past and the present will help you learn about the wisdom of many generations on your adventurous journey.
Apart from gaining useful knowledge, books can also be a source for improving your writing skills. It is not a secret that students have to write many essays and research papers. The more you read, the better writer you become. You still might need to hire a professional college essay writer to help you from time to time. However, writing assignments will no longer be a major obstacle on your way to academic success anymore. So, what books should you read while you are in college? Here’s our picks for you.
1. The Defining Decades: Why your Twenties Matters-And How to make the Most of Them Now, Meg Jay
If you think that your twenties are the perfect time for self-exploration and avoiding serious commitments, this book will give you many reasons for re-evaluation of this period. You will learn how to build your identity capital and value casual connections that can help you discover life and work opportunities. You will also get many tips on what to do in your twenties to avoid all kinds of regrets in your thirties. Most importantly, the book shows you why you should not treat your twenties as a decade just for having fun.
2. The Quarter Life Breakthrough: Invent Your Own Path, Find Meaningful Work and Build a Life that Matters, Adam Smiley Poswolsky
Following the main ideas from the previous book, your twenties should not be filled with challenges and anxieties. You can indeed experience a quarter-life crisis filled with uncertainty, dissatisfaction, and anxiety about your career and life paths. The book will help you explore what pursuing purpose means and how the absence of a job that aligns with your values often leads to burnout. It’s a great source of wisdom that teaches you to go beyond traditional markers of success and define what it really means to you.
3. Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman
Kahneman introduces two systems of thinking that govern human decision-making: one fast and emotional, and the other slower and logical. Understanding the logic behind these mechanisms can help you make better decisions and improve your critical thinking skills. For instance, you will learn that emotions have a tremendous impact on the first system and can cloud your judgment. Moreover, even when logical reasoning is possible, emotions can override rational decision-making. By becoming aware of these biases and the limitations of intuitive analysis, you can make more effective decisions.
4. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, Cal Newport
What skill is crucial for academic and professional success in today’s digital age? It’s the ability to focus on important tasks. The book teaches you about the concept of deep work and the value of the skills and knowledge you get in the process of managing cognitively demanding assignments. You will discover the rules of deep work and how to benefit from it in many ways. Newport also suggests four strategies for integrating deep work into your life so you will know exactly what to do to increase your productivity.
5. How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie
This timeless classic provides practical advice on building strong relationships and influencing others. You will learn what to do and what not to do to make people feel valued and appreciated. After all, building strong interpersonal connections is an essential skill for both your personal and professional life. The author will give you tips on winning people to your way of thinking and becoming a leader. You will learn how to change people without giving offense or resentment. By understanding human nature and offering sincere appreciation, you will reach the desired goals with ease.
6. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Yuval Noah Harari
What do we know about our origin and the way the past civilizations led us to the modern world?
This book provides a fascinating overview of human history, helping you understand our place in the grand scheme of things. You will learn how shared myths, cooperation, and technological advancements have shaped human societies. If you don’t quite understand why you might need this information to live a happy life, let’s just say that it helps you reflect on the future of humanity and the ethical implications of our dominance over the planet and other species.
7. The Alchemist, Paulo Cuelho
This inspiring story teaches valuable lessons about following your dreams, trusting your intuition, and embracing life’s journey. It will remind you that true fulfillment comes not from external treasures but from realizing your potential and listening to the wisdom within. Just like the main character, Santiago, makes many self-discoveries during his journey, you will be able to look at your life experience and analyze how it shaped you into the person you are now.
As you can see, reading is not just an academic exercise. It is your portal to other worlds full of wisdom and valuable tips. The books mentioned in this article offer a diverse range of perspectives. Find the ones that resonate with you and leave enough time in your busy schedule to explore the literary treasures of these famous authors.