
Book Review of A Dutiful Boy by Mohsin Zaidi

A dutiful boy by Mohsin Zaidi cover A Dutiful Boy by Mohsin Zaidi is a touching memoir exploring the intersection of identity, culture, and resilience. Mohsin, a barrister and writer, takes us on an emotional journey through his life as a gay Muslim growing up in a conservative Pakistani family in East London. His story is one of self-discovery, conflict, and acceptance. In his narrative, he candidly shares the difficulties he faced in accepting his sexual identity and discussing it, providing an immediacy to the writing that invites the reader to empathize with his struggles.

Mohsin‘s narrative begins with his childhood, painted vividly with his family’s warmth and tight-knit nature juxtaposed against the strict cultural expectations placed upon him and his wider family. A deep sense of duty marks his early life to his family and community, a duty that is tested as he becomes aware of his sexual orientation. The author captures his internal and external struggles, providing a raw and honest portrayal of the fear, confusion, and isolation that come with being different in a traditional environment.

The book explores the complex relationship between Mohsin and his family by depicting the heart-wrenching moments of rejection and misunderstanding, but it also highlights the moments of love and support that are just as significant. Mohsin‘s relationship with his mother is particularly moving; her journey from disbelief and anger to a gradual, albeit reluctant, acceptance is portrayed with sensitivity and depth.

Mohsin‘s academic journey is another focal point of the memoir. His determination to excel in school and secure a place at Oxford University is portrayed as an escape from his inner turmoil and a means to fulfill his family’s expectations. It is only Mohsin goes to Oxford or Cambridge that his father is prepared to accept him not staying in the family home.

Mohsin’s time at Oxford is a period of significant personal growth, marked by the freedom to explore his identity away from the constraints of his upbringing. This part of the text also contains much wry, self-deprecating humor, as Mohsin humorously breaks just about every religious rule he had ever followed. It’s worth noting that this aspect of his story might be shocking for some Muslim readers. Mohsin has mentioned that he and his family discussed what might be included in the book, indicating a thoughtful and deliberate approach to sharing his experiences.

Leaving home for Mohsin also brings new challenges as he grapples with feelings of inadequacy and the pressure to succeed in an elite institution where he feels like an outsider. In Mohsins case, this struggle is largely tied to his sexuality, but the coming-of-age experience, with its accompanying confusion, sense of loss, and feeling of otherness, is something that many readers can easily relate to. This universal aspect of the story adds to its appeal and resonance with a wide audience.

The memoir is not just a personal narrative; it also addresses broader social issues such as racism, homophobia, and the clash between tradition and modernity. The challenges he faced are clearly shown in this interview with Mohsin. Mohsin‘s experiences highlight the prejudice and discrimination faced by many LGBTQ+ individuals within their communities and in broader society. His insights into the legal profession, drawn from his career as a barrister, provide a critical perspective on these issues, revealing the persisting systemic inequalities.

Mohsin Zaidi A Dutiful Boy concludes on a relatively hopeful note, with Mohsin’s family finally agreeing to meet his boyfriend. His reconciliation with his family, particularly his father, who becomes a surprising source of support, is a testament to the power of love and understanding. Mohsin‘s journey from a dutiful boy to an empowered man who embraces his true self is inspiring and uplifting. Mohsin illustrates that we can never fully generalize or stereotype individuals, as he portrays people as complex beings who experience both suffering and triumph in diverse ways. This is evident through his depictions of friendships, his affection for his uncle, and, ultimately, his journey toward self-acceptance and self-love.

I discovered this book while tuning in to Off Air by Jane Garvey and Fi Glover. It was their online podcast book club pick for May and received widespread praise and acclaim during the discussion. I understand why it was a popular and insightful choice. I enjoyed listening to it very much,  but I personally may not have rated it quite as highly as Jane and Fi’s listeners did.

Book Club Questions for A Dutiful Boy by Mohsin Zaidi

  1. How does Mohsin Zaidi’s journey toward self-acceptance unfold throughout the memoir? Who are the key figures in helping Mohsin understand himself? What key moments or experiences were pivotal in his understanding and acceptance of his identity as a gay Muslim man?
  2. Discuss how Mohsin‘s cultural and religious background influenced his perception of his sexuality. How did his upbringing shape his initial internal conflicts and his eventual path to self-acceptance?
  3.  Analyse the relationship between Mohsin and his parents, particularly his mother. How does their relationship evolve from childhood through adulthood? What factors contribute to the gradual shift in his mother’s attitude towards his sexuality?
  4. Consider the role of family expectations and duty in Mohsini’s life. How does his sense of obligation to his family affect his decisions and his mental health?
  5. How does Mohsin‘s experience of racism and homophobia shape his worldview and his journey? Can you identify instances in the memoir where these forms of discrimination intersected and compounded his challenges?
  6. Discuss how Mohsin navigates the prejudices he faces within the broader society and his community. How does his career as a barrister influence his perspective on these issues?
  7. Education plays a significant role in Mohsin‘s life, particularly his pursuit of a place at Oxford University. How does his academic journey reflect his inner turmoil and aspirations? In what ways does education serve as both an escape and a source of pressure?
  8. Reflect on Mohsin‘s experiences at Oxford. How does his time there contribute to his personal growth? What challenges does he face in this new environment, and how does he overcome them?
  9.  What are the most likeable and annoying aspects of Mohsin’s character?
  10. Mohsin candidly discusses his struggles with mental health throughout A Dutiful Boy. How does his openness about these struggles contribute to the narrative? How do these revelations impact the reader’s understanding of his experiences?
  11. Examine the role of resilience in Mohsin‘s story. What internal and external resources does he draw upon to navigate his challenges and ultimately find peace and acceptance?
  12.  The memoir concludes on a hopeful note, with Mohsin finding acceptance within himself and from his family. How does the theme of love manifest in his relationships throughout the book?
  13. Discuss the importance of understanding and acceptance in Mohsin‘s journey. What lessons can be drawn from his story about the power of love and the potential for change within familial and social relationships?

Book club questions for someone who has not read the book

  1. Mohsin Zaidi’s memoir recounts his journey of coming to terms with being gay within a conservative Muslim family. Discuss the challenges someone might face when their sexual orientation conflicts with their cultural or religious background. Consider what pivotal moments or experiences might help someone accept their identity.
  2. Mohsin describes a complex relationship with his parents, marked by love but also misunderstanding and rejection due to his sexuality. Consider how family expectations can influence a person’s decisions and mental health. How might a family’s perspective shift over time, and what factors could contribute to this change?
  3. Mohsin faces both racism and homophobia, which shape his personal and professional life. Discuss how experiencing multiple forms of discrimination can affect an individual’s worldview and self-esteem. Consider how someone might cope with these challenges within their community and broader society.
  4. Education is a significant theme in the memoir, with Mohsin‘s pursuit of academic excellence serving as both an escape and a source of pressure. Reflect on how education can impact a person’s life, particularly as a means of escaping a challenging environment. What might be the pressures and benefits of striving for academic success in such a context?
  5. Mohsin openly discusses his mental health struggles, including moments of deep despair. Consider the importance of discussing mental health openly. How can resilience help someone overcome significant personal and societal challenges? What resources might be important for someone dealing with such issues?
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