What Does Cool Mean? Some people seem just effortlessly cool? But are they? One of the dangers of having time...
The Board Game Algorithm Hmmm… I like playing Scrabble so therefore I am not going to give up on being...
The Personal Touch – Gifts and Cards I woke up this morning to a lovely ‘Happy Songkran’ card from my...
Missing your Boyfriend or Husband I’m not sure when I’m gonna see this ‘old fella’ again, but at least I...
A Reprieve from Empty Nest Syndrome Coronavirus is rubbish, but it is great to have a reprieve from beng an...
Something to Make you Smile A lovely bunch of flowers is guaranteed to make me smile. During these turbulent, Corona...
Things to do on Mothers’ Day Who would have thought a couple of weeks ago that Boris Johnson would now...
Ways to Manage Corona Virus Stress Along, I suspect, with most of you, I’m feeling a bit stressed and worried...
Expat Life in Bangkok It’s good to be back living an expat life for a while in Bangkok! What a...