
Why Read Aloud?

Why Reading Aloud Matters? From sharing Roger Hargreave’s Mr Men stories with Year 1 children, to reading Shakespeare’s Hamlet with Year 13...

How to Read More in 2018

How to Read More? It’s that time of the year when the question on everyone’s lips is ‘what are your...

It’s not intrinsic but it’s inspired

Is Intrinsic Motivation better than Extrinsic Motivation? These days education seems to be all about intrinsic motivation. We shouldn’t give...

Trying to stay Patient and Positive

Exploring how to be positive and patient I’ve written before about being positive and as a rule I’m quite good...

Stay Calm and Cycle

Strategies for Staying Calm Stay Calm and Cycle What a week we’ve had. Having waited so long to get my...

Owning a Pool – Things That You Should Know

10 Things You Need to Know as a Pool Owner I have always loved swimming in Thana City pool. in...
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