
Leaving Bangkok

Returning from Overseas I woke up this morning to a typically wet and drizzly English day. The sky is a...

What it Means to be Cool

What Does Cool Mean? Some people seem just effortlessly cool? But are they? One of the dangers of having time...

Using Board Games to Choose your Career

The Board Game Algorithm Hmmm… I like playing Scrabble so therefore I am not going to give up on being...

Inexpensive Gestures of Kindness

The Personal Touch – Gifts and Cards I woke up this morning to a lovely ‘Happy Songkran’ card from my...

Missing your Partner

Missing your Boyfriend or Husband I’m not sure when I’m gonna see this ‘old fella’ again, but at least I...

How to Live with Adult Children at Home

A Reprieve from Empty Nest Syndrome Coronavirus is rubbish, but it is great to have a reprieve from beng an...
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